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We need your help!!

Teams can be represented on the brand new website Championsworld.de.
Since the site is new and is trying to gain recognition, they are having a competition to find the coolest team in Germany.
Here is where you can help. Please register and join our virtual team, so that we can win the competition and celebrate the MEGA-MTV Party with you!

Please motivate as many people as possible from the Pirate circle to join our virtual Pirate-Club!!!!
We need at least 100 members by the end of the month!

Here are the instructions (since it's not all that simple):
Click this link, http://www.champions-world.de, and it will say "schon angemeldet?" ("already a member?") on the right.
Click "Nein" ("No") and a window will pop up in the middle of your screen.
Type in your name, password and email address.... join.
Then you will receive an email where you can click on a confirmation link. Then another window will open on the website, where you can type in your information.
After you confirm your information, open another window by clicking on "Vereine" ("Teams") on the blue toolbar.
You will find Pirate e.V. in 3rd place. Please click the logo.
The "Mitglied werden" ("Become a member") link will appear over the skull and crossbones logo, if you click on it you're practically accepted. Done.
It would be great if you could upload a picture of yourself too.

Greetings and thanks, Ron
P.s. I hope I see you at the most awesome party that Pirate has ever seen!

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