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Three Sports to Choose From

Usually I don't rea the articles and announcements about the triathlon events.
It's a sport where the boys and girls can't decide on one event and just do all three.

However, last Saturday in Herscheid, a small suburb of Plettenberg - where they have the P-Weg - the participants were allowed to compete in relay teams. Since I am pretty talentess in all three of the sports, but own a beautiful racer bike, I needed some support for the swimming and running events. Without further ado, I recruited our "Little Jo" Marc Johannes as a water bomb and his P. E. teacher Eva Jansen as a gazelle and we were off to the first ever Herscheid Public Triathlon organized by RC Lüdenscheid.

The events of the race can be related quickly.
Marc was pretty wet when he emerged from the floods of the Herscheid public pool after 10 minutes and let me suffer on my bike for 15.5m/25km. I finished after 52 minutes and what felt like about 10000 vertical feet and handed the baton off to Eva.

Thanks to Eva's awesome accomplishment, we made it to 5th place in the relay ranking.
Result: even triathlons are fun this way.
See you soon - and then I will be reporting about serious cycling again.


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