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Stadium Run Braunschweig

During the warm-up the world was still in relative balance. The plan was to make good time (around 1:25 for the half-marathon) on the first run of the year..

During the first 3m/5km the times were still in the clear and then came the rain.

The rain got a little worse on mile 5/km 7, but up until mile 7/km 10 and a time of 41min, everything was still okay.

By mile 8/km 12 and another little rain cloud, my muscles closed up shop and nothing worked, so I turned off the watch and logged my first Pirate competition against the clock as a failure and finished the race during beautiful weather and with a time of 1:47 (the year's best).:)

Whatever the weather, a Pirate always crosses the finish line::J))
Marco Congia

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