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Rittershausen good and bad times (or Yippie and ouch)

Actually they said there would be unstable weather conditions in Rittershausen, but luckily they wasn´t right. On friday I was really satisfied about my favourite place with an open gate right to the pool.

My happiness soon find an end on the race track. Nothing worked at all. Something chattered on my bike, so was very un-concentrated, so suddenly I found some trees directly in front of me...

So, I made a longer break. But with best weather; I lrepaired my bike and went just before the end of the exercise back on the course. I rode really speedy and wondered about that it started to darken. But much more I wondered about that all the other riders came my way and on the first root passage I remarked that it started to rain.

Down at the finish line everything was dry already…weired…

On Saturday everything was fine again, nothing chattered on my bike, I rode fast, and the Seeding Run looked like it was out of a picture book.

I rode the line and wasn´t even breathless when I reached the finish line. So, afterwards I tried some cake and coffee, this way should or could be every day…

On sunday someone had the mad idea of sinking a doll in a water hole, just after a jump.Just before lifting of,before I started to jump, it looked like alloy poles. When I tried during a jump to get me passes them, I didn´t get the bike straight again so I crashed into the hillside and was really angry.

exercise come to an end, because all doctors were on the track and so the course got closed.
During the race I was able to race 2 seconds faster, in case of a hurting hand and shoulder. So, it didn´t made that much fun anymore.


Andreas Knorr

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