FIBO 2010
...it´s done....Whew.
But it was worth it, all the sweat, bruises, cuts and blood drops...but of course we had lots of fun.
Annika had to help out shortly, while the chief´s wife Gaby, weren´t able to leave Canada because of the ash clouds, but she did a very good job after all. Thanks a lot again to you, Annika.

But finally on Thursday Gaby arrived at our sales stall.

We found a lot of new customers as well like known faces. And we made some new cooperation with Inferno and Isostar… Greetings to Laurent !

It was also nice to see a large group with about 30 Pirates doing an Indoor-Cycling Bike-Event.

We´re looking forward to see FIBO 2011 !!!
Ronald Prinzlau
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