Fuerte 2011

We arrived on the 12th of march on Furteventura and stayed for 2 weeks in Las Playitas.

Pirate Fuerte

 The bike pit were arranged on the balcony.

Pirate Fuerte

After everything were un-packed, we hoisted our colors. Orderliness is godliness. Greeting to Bocki.
It was our flag...
Pirate Fuerte

Swimming units were helt up in the 50m pool early in the morning…
Pirate Fuerte

07:30 in the morning and the bathin cap fits.Pirate Fuerte

Death Pirate? A exercise unit? Or just chilling ?Pirate Fuerte

The "Prolog" just to getting started ...Pirate Fuerte

and a wonderful view
Pirate Fuerte

Having a nice break in Antigua, at the islands best bakery with huge rolls...Pirate Fuerte

And sometimes we even ran a bit…
after 7km and 290m of altitude were half-time, and now ajust all the way back, but please with head-wind.
Pirate Fuerte

And the espresso after each exercise unit was a duty unit.
Pirate Fuerte

Our exercise account:
22km swim - 750km bike - 80km run
and altogether  9350m of altitude and lots of wind.
Greetings Reiner&Maren of the Pirate Triathlon Team

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