11. Kyffhäuser Mountain Race
mishaps, missteps and mud:
The long hard and cold winter wasn´t the best to exercise. But we didn´t have that much snow here in Baden-Württemberg and so, we were able to exercise outside. At the 8:05.13 we travelled to Thuringia, like every year, before the season is about to begin. The weather forecast, wait…forget about it. We had snow and it was really cold.
  Pirate Kyffhäuser

First of all, we wanted to ride the 64km round, but it was changed and cancelled and so we had to ride the short distance for 3 times.

But shall we start with the end…. 

Mud…Pirate Kyffhäuser


The first test ride brought nothing good, just mud and very much of it and of course snow. Because of this we ordered some mud tyres.

But the weather should become better on race day, when you don´t mind the hail. But we still had the mud problem…

Die erste Testfahrt, auf der Kurzstrecke, verhieß nichts gutes, viel Schlamm ( zu viel des Guten) und immer noch Schnee. Also noch schnell Matschreifen bestellt und hoffen das es besser wird.
Misstep…Pirate Kyffhäuser
At the first hill I received a cramp and didn´t went of again. And Christian hurt his knee on a downhill section and it began to grow…


  At the first supply station at the end of the first round, Christian broke up, because he wasn´t able to move his leg anymore. I received another problem, my shifter cancelled to work and riding a hill with only a 42 it´s not possible and so I quit as well.

Next year we are back and start all over again… 

The season just started and we´re looking forward fort he next races to come… 

Chain mostright to all Pirates, all over the world…

Marcel and Christian Krahmann 

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