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The Trainingscamp that wasnt a Trainingscamp

Huge advertisement to my Relay-Buddy: Trailrun- Trainingscamp at Verdon in South Frankfurt. Big Talk but it might as well coulda been a vacation. Acctually thats just what it was.

During losts of resting, wandering and wild pig escapes, a trailrun never took place. But there didnt need to be. Most importantly there was lots of signs.

First of all the Pirate life doesnt always need to be bitter.
Second of all theres already a goal in the horizon "Homme de Fer" Triathalon, we'll say around 2009 www.llamas-sport.fr

and we already know that biketrail.

Oh well, Most importantly, we arnt in a hurry

Every thing will be ok,
Terrible Grettings,


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