After I spent this day with my family and went on a wedding, Captīn Porneauxx made his way up to Steinhagen to hoist the colors of the Pirates high. Even for Porneaux was it the first race of the season.

Even if Porneauxx stood on the first place of the Scooter world ranking list, he had a little bit bad luck in the beginning of the season, he had a broken knee, than deep cuts, gashes and graces at his collar bone which didnīt want to heal, and because of that he had some kind of exercise deficit.

But also in the world ranking league of being overmodest( do you think there is one?) is Porneauxx on of of the first places and this you could see it in his first run of the season ath the derny-race in Steinhagen.

Not even the fastest rivals of the day before had a chance or power to get near the Pirate. Finally, Porneauxx ended up where he belong, on the podium, on the top…

Greetings from maaak alias Captīn Schnuffel and lars alias Captīn Porneauxx
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